Day 2 Assignment – K. Sam Ashray

  1. Docker is an open-source containerization platform. It enables developers to package applications into containers. Docker makes it easier, and simpler, to build, deploy and manage containers. Docker is essentially a toolkit that enables developers to build, deploy, run, update, and stop containers using simple commands which take about 1 sec. One can get various docker images from

2. Container is basically a fully independent application runtime environment. The isolated and secure environment allows you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host. Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application, so you do not need to rely on what is currently installed on the host. You can easily share containers while you work, and be sure that everyone you share with gets the same container that works in the same way. environment. A container is a runnable instance of a docker image.

What is a Docker Container? Definition - SDxCentral

3. I) Mobility – Ability to Run Anywhere, i.e Platform Independent
II) Cost-effectiveness with Fast Deployment, decreases deployment times to seconds
III) Consistent and Isolated Environment
IV) Scalability
V) Maintainability

docker pull httpd – pulls httpd docker image from docker hub
docker ps -a – display all containers status
docker create httpd – creates a httpd container
docker start …. – starts a container
docker stop …. – stops a container
docker restart … – restarts a continer
docker pause … – pause container
docker unpause … – unpauses a container
docker rm … – deletes a container
docker exec -it … ls – lists filesystem inside the container
docker exec -it … bash – create a new bash session inside container.

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