7. List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example?

Docker psThis command is used to list all the running containers in the background. Docker ps -aThis command is used to know the details of all the running, stopped, or exited containers. Docker versionWe usually start by finding the installed version of docker that we are working on. Docker pullAs the name suggests, this command pulls a specific image from the Docker Hub. All you have to do is use the command ‘docker pull’ along with the name of the

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6. What is the difference between CMD vs Entrypoint

CMD InstructionYou can set default commands with parameters using the CMD instruction. If you run a Docker container without specifying any additional CLI commands, the CMD instruction will be executed. You can include an executable as the default command. However, if you choose to omit it, you will have to specify an ENTRYPOINT instruction along with the CMD instruction If you have specified an argument along with the Docker run command, the default one specified using the CMD instruction will

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4. What is the difference between docker exec and attach?

Docker attachThis command to attach your terminal’s standard input, output, and error (or any combination of the three) to a running container using the container’s ID or name. attach the running container with the following command. you need to press enter once execute the below command, docker is waiting for your input. docker attach nodeapi once attached, you can do all the cli commands like you can check the node version, run the bundle file, exit etc.. But the problem

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3. What is the difference between docker stop and kill?

docker stop attempts to gracefully shutdown container(s) while docker kill (by default) immediately stops/terminates them; docker stop issues a SIGTERM signal to the main process inside the container docker kill (by default) issues a SIGKILL signal. With docker kill, you may specify to send a different signal (to the main process inside the container) than the default SIGKILL signal, using the –signal flag. Same thing is not possible with the docker stop command. With docker stop, the container(s) must comply

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Components of Docker and its Brief Summary

Docker Client: The first component of Docker is the client, which allows the users to communicate with Docker. Being a client-server architecture, Docker can connect to the host remotely and locally. As this component is the foremost way of interacting with Docker, it is part of the basic components. Whenever a user gives a command to Docker, this component sends the desired command to the host, which further fulfils the command using the Docker API. Docker Image: Docker images are

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