POST answers day 1 – sahil

1. Define SRE in your own Words- 2 Lines Answer:SRE is the team that engages with engineering from design phase till deployment, Owning things like monitoring, alerts, slo sli sla’s and ensuring reliability of production. 2. Define 3-4 bullets points on migrating process of Ops to SRE? Involve from design phase only Automate for toil reduction Code for product stability rather than products Own Engineering tasks 3. 3 Charactertics to identify Toil in SRE Is the task it repetitive Is

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SRE Answers – pretest by Sahil

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps? Answer: DevOps is responsible for ensuring the gap between development and production is bridged by writing and deploying code, ensuring seamless transitions from lower to higher environments, and deal with product code stability security and scalability. SRE on the other hand covers more non functional requirements, like is the deployment monitored, do we have alerts in place, are all the protocols being followed while moving the code, and handles any

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