
A comparison between Ansible Vs Docker Vs Terraform: Docker is platform as a service whereas terraform and ansible are infrastructure as a service Ansible is suitable for small, temporary, and fast deployments. Terraform is better when it comes to managing cloud services below the server.  Terraform is an open source, IaC platform. Whereas, Ansible is an open source configuration management tool. Developers can use Ansible and Terraform at the same time Terraform uses HCL,Ansible uses Yaml,Docker uses namespaces ,images Terraform uses to create resources and services .ansible to

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JENKINS-self notes:

open source automation server continuous integration (CI) tool it can automate all the process of design,development and testing phases of the project built in java environment and so it is platform independent powered by very strong community powered by plugins where it has 1800+ features latest version is jenkins 2.289.2 prerequsite for installing is java (JDK where JRE is embedded) jenkins are available in various releases jenkins(free) enterprise jenkins jenkinsx blueocean 10 popular jenkins plugins: 1. Kubernetes The “Kubernetes” plugin is

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Introduction to Prometheus:

Prometheus: Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. Time Series database: designed to store and retrieve data records that are part of a “time series,” Time series is a set of data points that are associated with timestamps which provide a critical context for each of the data points in how they are related to others. Prometheus is good for time series metrix: sophisticated local storage subsystem. For indexes, it uses Level DB for bulk data it has own custom storage layers, which organizes sample data in

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Program 1 – Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a group called “deploy“: ## $ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.user -a “name=deploy password=<crypted password here>” (or) ## $ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.user -a “name=deploy state=absent” How to verify?$ more /etc/ansible/group | grep deploy Program 2 – Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a user called “deploy-user” which is part of group called “deploy” and with /bin/bash shell. ## $ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.user -a”name=deploy-user shell=/bin/bash group=deploy” How to verify?$

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Services in Kubernetes:

what is service: *normally service is used to balance traffic among pods in a cluster .this can be done with the help of load balancer *enables network access from either within the cluster or between external processes and the service. TYPES OF SERVICE: ClusterIP :only accessible from within the cluster NodePort:expose via a port on each node IP’s and can be accessed from outside LoadBalancer:via cloud ExternalName:map to predefined namefield Use Of Service named Kubernetes in default Namespace: *Used to forward

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Learning Declarative languages:

Understanding languages known Compiled language: *translators that generate machine code from source code directly. example :c, Fortran ,COBOL Interpreted language: *It is one where the instructions are not directly executed by the target machine, but instead read and executed by some other program. example: Perl, Python and MATLAB. Declarative language: *High level language where desire is specified in simple terms *specifies what to do rather how to do example:JSON,YAML, example:JSON,YAML, example: JSON, YAML, Erlang. ADVANTAGES OF DECLARATIVE LANGUAGE: *high level

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POD: *is the smallest building block. Within a cluster, a pod represents a process that’s running *A Pod  is a group of one or more containers with shared storage and network resources *is in worker node there can be many pods and each pod has one or more containers *instantiated by kubelet *containers share same IP address *ATOMIC UNIT OF SCHEDULING *pod is running as long as all the containers inside pod is running (must) *all namespaces assigned to pod are available

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Fun learning with Kubernetes

About kubernetes: #an open-source container orchestration platform # enables the operation of an elastic web server framework for cloud applications. Why Kubernetes: #It allows us to manage containers in an efficient way #easy container scaling across many servers in a cluster. Kubernetes Architecture: # offers a loosely coupled mechanism for service discovery across a cluster. # A Kubernetes cluster has many nodes .each of the compute nodes runs a container runtime like Docker along with an agent, kubelet, which communicates with the

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