
What is fortify SCA? Fortify SCA uses multiple algorithms and an expansive knowledge base of secure coding rules to analyze an application’s source code for exploitable vulnerabilities. 5 advantages of fortify SCA Protect software Detect risk Evolve app Thorough results Scalable

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What is chef? Chef is a configuration management technology used to automate the infrastructure provisioning. It is developed on Ruby language. 10 advantages of chef Reduces software delivery time. Improve risk management. Increase service resiliency. Streamlined operations and workflow. Accelerate cloud adoption. Helps to manage both data and cloud environment. Flexible. Deliver all infrastructure continuously. Easy to use and understand. Stable. How to install chef workstation? Install Chef by using command wget Install Chef DK by using command rpm

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What is terraform? It is an open source infrastructure as code software tool that allows to programmatically provision the physical resources an application requires to run. Example //provider code for github provider provider “github” {token = “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”owner = “Jayesh”} //resource code resource “github_repository” “example” {name = “test”description = “test repo” visibility = “public”} 5 terraform commands init :Used to initialize provider plan : Used to create a execution plan. apply: It executes the actions proposed in plan commands. show :

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What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. 5 Reasons of using Kubernetes Flexible Reduce development and release time frames Cost friendly Increase availability and scalability of software Cloud migration paths Kubernetes components API Server Provides an API that serves as the front end of a Kubernetes control plane. It is responsible for handling external and internal requests—determining whether a request is valid and then processing it. etcd

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Docker & Container

What is docker? Docker is an open source containerization platform. It enables developers to package applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the operating system libraries and dependencies required to run that code in any environment. What is container? Containers are packages of software that contain all of the necessary elements to run in any environment. Containers virtualize the operating system and run anywhere, from a private data center to the public cloud or even on a

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Introduction to DevOps and It’s tools by Jayesh

What is DevOps? DevOps is a combination of practices and tools in software development that helps in increasing the speed of delivering applications and seek performance and stability at the same time. Advantages of DevOps Speed up the application delivery. Enhances the performance. Increases the stability. Enhances the quality. Increases productivity. Cost saving. Agile. Simplifies the work. Continuous Integration Continuous Monitoring Top 10 tools used in DevOps Jenkins Docker Puppet Kubernetes Chef Ansible Git Selenium Gradle Maven How to implement

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