Assessment 2- Write a terraform file to create an azure express route circuit with 100 Mbps speed, All the code into one single terraform code file.

Prerequisite System ( Windows or Linux) Terraform setup file Azure CLI Access to Azure provider( Subscription) Git Bash / PowerShell Notepad ++ or any code Editor Setup to execute the terraform code from git bash CLI. to create an azure express route circuit Run the command terraform init for initializing the provider, Prepare your working directory for other commands Run the command terraform validate to Check whether the configuration is valid Run the command terraform plan Show changes required by

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Assignment – Day1 IBM Terraform Training -Ajit Khot

List of Components of Terraform and explain each component with 1 image The main Components of Terraform are 1. = Terraform Configuration – It keeps track of the infrastructure detail 2. .tfvars = The tfvars file extension is in the root folder of an environment to define values to variables ,*.tfvar file to load in defaults as they are automatically loaded .you can have your orchestration Automator dynamically create a tfvars file to define defaults such as Region, environment (dev,

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