Atos Wins Northumbrian Water Cloud Computing Transformation project

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London, 20 October 2020 – Atos has been awarded a leading role on a new cloud computing initiative to help deliver operational efficiencies and enhance customer service for Northumbrian Water, one of the UK’s leading utility providers.

With its Microsoft Azure expertise, Atos is working alongside Northumbrian Water to migrate the first wave of three data processing and storage applications (out of circa 35 applications in the framework) to the cloud over a three-year span.

This is the first of several frameworks to be awarded under an extensive digital transformation initiative that stretches across Northumbrian Water’s operations.

Northumbrian Water will benefit from improved agility, flexibility and control and, as a result of the programme, will be able to deliver enhanced customer experience. The project will therefore increase the reliability of delivering sustainable clean water to over 4.5 million households across the whole of their company supply area which comprises the Northumbrian, Essex and Suffolk regions of England. It will also help Northumbrian Water drive down operating costs and improve overall efficiency by deploying cloud services across the organisation.

Martin Jackson, Head of Strategy and Product Management at Northumbrian Water, said: “Atos demonstrated that it both shares our values and had the ability to provide a compelling solution, combining a strong UK team on the ground with the experience of delivering similar successful projects. We are looking forward to working closely with Atos team over the term of the contract.”

Andy Corkhill, Vice President Energy & Utilities, Atos UK & Ireland, said: “As the new preferred partner of Northumbrian Water for the first wave of applications on the Cloud Migration Framework, this project will be the anchor in the first stages of delivering successful digital transformation, both through the framework and first wave of applications. An agile and efficient utilities sector is vital to the UK, and embracing digitisation is pivotal in providing a sustainable, focused service for our customers in a digital society.”

Steve George, Client Partner, Energy and Utilities at Atos, said: “Migrating data processing and storage to the cloud will help Northumbrian Water enhance security and ensure future scalability, whilst also becoming more operationally efficient. This project, and the wider digital transformation of utilities, will ultimately enable consumers to benefit from more efficient suppliers, improved resilience and customer service.”

Having been selected as the preferred partner for the first wave on the Cloud Migration Framework, Atos has worked closely with the IS team at Northumbrian Water on the migration process of the intial 3 applications.


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