Day-1 Assignment

1)What is DevOps?

Devops means Development team and Operational team working as a team

Devops is a culture which all teams in software lifecycle would be as a team and make an application in productive and efficient manner. This type of mindset or culture would helps continuous delivery and also helps to fix the issues in short period of time. It is the further improvement workflow after agile workflow. In agile there is only Business and development team would be worked together but in devops operational team also included it makes work easier and efficient in manner.

Image result for devops

2) Advantages of Devops?

  1. Faster updates
  2. Better collaboration
  3. Individual feature improvement through microservices
  4. Reduced time to time recovery
  5. Stability
  6. Failure cases would be less
  7. Defects correction would be updated in short span of time
  8. Continuous feedback and optimization
  9. Maintains transparency between development team and Operational team. So, it manages time wastage
  10. Collaboration and communication between development team and operation team would increases.

3)Top 10 Tools used in DevOps?


  1. Git
  2. Ansible
  3. Maven
  4. Gradle
  5. Docker
  6. Junit
  7. Jenkins
  8. Chef
  9. Puppet
  10. Salt Stack
See the source image

4) How to implement devops?


  1. Firstly we have to maintain a culture or mindset for devops
  2. Continuous delivery and integration
  3. Updation of features in particular application which means microservices.
  4. Monitoring the application.
  5. Testing and automation.
  6. Deployment
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