How can we become Certified Jenkins Engineers (CJE)?

What is a Jenkins? Friends as you already know that software development is a very huge and heavy process. There are so many innumerable moving parts of it. In order to improve the development process, we utilize the methodology of DevOps and its tools. In DevOps, there are so many phases. This is one of the most favorable phases as continuous integration which is willing to help you in coming all together with the parts of software development and manages

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Is the future of Agile actually BizDevOps?

Source – It’s easy to think every organization has DevOps on the corporate brain but in reality, interest in — and commitment to — Agile remains high, particularly in the enterprise space. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily make it easy to do. And it doesn’t mean DevOps isn’t having an impact. With Agile2017 less than a month away I interviewed AgileCraft CEO Steve Elliott about the company’s 10X product release and the ongoing efforts enterprises are making to be more

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