DevSecOps: 3 Mission-Critical Trends to Follow in 2020 The twin trends of digital transformation projects and a growing reliance on cloud services are constantly pushing enterprises to develop, deploy and upgrade applications much faster… the better to keep up with competition and stay ahead of nimble upstarts looking for market share. Meanwhile, concerns over security continue to gain importance with corporate boards and executives, who increasingly weigh these risks when making business decisions. The clash between the two (faster application development while keeping code secure) is a

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How Kubernetes allows developers to deploy without worrying about DevOps

Source – As an active distributor of the Kubernetes container orchestration management system, Canonical Ltd is giving developers a way to step up their game. The company is taking away the developer operations component to the developer job so they are free to focus on other important aspects of development that they have more expertise in, according to Stephan Fabel (pictured), director of product management at Canonical. “… We’ve been very active in this space fairly early on and have been an active distributor of Kubernetes and a

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