Automated Test Environments for DevOps

Source:- 1 Test Environments Management: Key Challenges A testing environment is a setup of software and hardware in which the testing team tests a new software build. A test environment consists of pre-production or staging environments, and is generally a downgraded version of a production environment to help uncover pre-production defects. Building and maintaining a test environment is important. Often, dedicated test environments are maintained at various stages like developer test, dedicated test, integration test, and pre-production or business

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You may be doing DevOps and not even know it

By the end of the second flight, I had finished the book. The thought occurred to me that I may have been doing DevOps nearly a decade ago and didnā€™t realize it. Now, I am not trying to say I invented DevOps. I did not invent DevOps anymore than Al Goreā€™s oft misquoted statement that ā€œheā€ invented the Internet. What I am saying is the story in the book was very familiar to my own story and journey. Source: You

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