3 Git hooks for continuous integration

Source –Ā atlassian.com If you’ve used Git for a while, you’ve probably heard of Git hooks. Maybe you’ve even played around with them a bit. Git hooks are awesome in the context of continuous integration, so in this article I’ll dive into three use cases and point you to ready-made hooks you can add to your workflow. If you’re new to Git hooks, no worries: we’ll start with the basics. Understanding Git hooks Hooks are Git’s native mechanism for triggering custom

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How Not to Write Your Git Update Hooks

Source:-Ā dzone.com This piece contains some lessons learned about my experience optimizing our Git hook performance. The information here is certainly not new but I havenā€™t found it aggregated and explained in one single place yet. We recently switched our main code repository from SVN to Git, and with that came many challenges and improvements to our software development process. One option that Git offers is hooks. These are small programs or scripts that are run before or after a commit,

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