DevSecOps Implementation: Interactive Testing

Source:- Dynamic testing looks at the running application, poking and prodding to see how it reacts to known vulnerabilities. A complete dynamic scan watches a test runner as it runs against the application and tries all points of entry it can find, normally a highly automated process that takes a while. Where dynamic scans fall short is in pinpointing the problem within the application. Knowing that things went wrong when a given CVE was exercised against the app is one

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Arenko celebrates seven continuous weeks of delivering Dynamic Containment

Source:- Arenko is lauding its position as the only company to have been successful in winning each of the daily auctions of National Grid ESOā€™s new Dynamic Containment service. Dynamic Containment was introduced on 1 October with an intention of bringing the frequency response market closer to real time, with tenders running daily from 11pm to 11pm. Arenko ā€“ which was one of the first companies alongside Flexitricity to provide the service ā€“ has now released analysis of the service,

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How to become a ‘dynamic’ cloud user to reap cost and agility benefits

Source –Ā As organisations move towards more sophisticated multi-cloud environments, leveraging DevOps, containers and more, they will see greater agility, lower cost, and faster time to market. This is the verdict of digital performance monitoring and management provider New Relic, who gathered more than 500 responses from organisations across the US, UK, Germany, and France. AsĀ first reportedby ZDNet, the company put its findingsĀ in an eBook, ā€˜Achieving Serverless Success with Dynamic Cloud and DevOpsā€™. New Relic put organisations into three categories

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Habitat application portability and understanding dynamic linking of ELF binaries

Source –Ā I do not come from a classical computer science background and have spent the vast majority of my career working with Java, C# and Ruby ā€“ mostly on Windows. So I have managed to evade the details of exactly how native binaries find their dependencies at compile time and runtime on Linux. It just has not been a concern in the work that I do. If my app complains about missing low level dependencies, I find a binary

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