Scaling up effectively by embracing DevOps transformation

Source:- Despite being deemed as a typical tech buzzword, ā€œDevOpsā€ ā€“ the process of combining software development and information technology operations to shorten development lifecycle ā€“ brings clear benefits. Faster lead times from commitment to deployment, greater customer responsiveness and the ability to scale and respond to market changes are just a few advantages businesses can expect by embracing DevOps transformation. However, whether an organisation is contemplating a minor improvement on its current software delivery pipeline or a major

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Five steps to scaling up with DevOps transformation

Source:-Ā Whether an organisation is contemplating a major DevOps transformation or a modest improvement to its current software delivery pipeline, it is important to assess where they stand, how far they have already progressed and what challenges remain. The combination of software development with information technology operations, more commonly known as DevOps, is a term that has been bounced about by IT departments for the last decade. Despite the range of benefits this process can offer to businesses, including greater

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Electric Cloud Aims to Make DevOps More Accessible

Source-Ā Electric Cloud today unfurled the Winter 2019 edition of the ElectricFlow platform for managing DevOps, which makes it easier for different classes of users to tailor the platform to meet their specific needs. Sam Fell, vice president of marketing for Electric Cloud, said the latest release of ElectricFlow allows end users to choose from different personas based on their role in the organization, and each persona has a user interface crafted to surface the level of detail they most

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