6 DevOps culture mistakes holding you back

Source- enterprisersproject.com Having a strongĀ DevOpsĀ culture is like having good taste. Everyone wants it ā€“ but is everyone equipped with the skills, instincts, and sheer luck needed to actually have it? The reality is, building a great DevOps culture is easier said than done. Here are the major challenges facing strong DevOps cultures and how to overcome them. 1. Inability to give and listen to feedback Teams must learn how to give and receive feedback if they are to improve and

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There are Five Biggest DevOps Mistakes You Must Need to Avoid

Source –Ā bdaily.co.uk Most entrepreneurs discuss DevOps, yet with regards to executing them, issues begin. Having experienced the procedure with numerous organizations, a devops build disclosed to me the five basic devops botches associations make while doing devops advancement out of the blue. Adjusting to change isnā€™t simple for any association, yet in the event that you make enough of an effort and maintain a strategic distance from these slip-ups, your change to DevOps will be smooth. 1. Inability to think

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5 DevOps Mistakes that Can Crush ISV Startups

Source –Ā devprojournal.com Industry experts will tell you the best way to evolve your startup ISV into an established ISV is with DevOpsā€” and theyā€™re probably right. DevOps, however, which has only been in the mainstream for a little less than a decade, can be a difficult concept to master, and many software developersā€”especially startupsā€”are still navigating the learning curve. As you set the course for your business, make sure you donā€™t make these DevOps mistakes that can not only stand

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The various DevOps pitfalls & How to avoid them

Source:-Ā capgemini.com DevOps is simple, right? Wrong. The concept of DevOps might be simple, however the implementation is not. The following short blog will try to point out some of the key pitfalls. There are plenty ofĀ DevOps related mistakes an organisations can make. One is to treat DevOps as a solution that can simply be implemented. Another one is to see DevOps as Tools only. Some organisations seem to believe that all that is needed is to move staff from an

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9 common mistakes when implementing DevOps

Source:-Ā ciklum.com DevOps can be a godsend, but if used improperly, DevOps can also tank your project. Letā€™s look at nine common mistakes made when implementing DevOps. 1. Building a DevOps department The point of DevOps isnā€™t to create a new department strictly for DevOps, but instead to create a new collaborative model that unites existing departments. 2. Failing to streamline software Over-complicated software systems that have too much sprawl require siloed management and make systems over complicated for users. If

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10 Mistakes to Avoid While Implementing DevOps

Source:- tothenew.com DevOps is not merely a designation, practice, concept or philosophy, rather, it is a combination of all that emphasizes on the collaboration of both software developers and IT professionals. It is basically a culture wherein the DevOps acts as a bridge between the developers and administrators. It acts as a catalyst in automating the process of continuous delivery and continuous integration. This is why organizations are rapidly moving to adopt DevOps. Though there are a lot of good

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