CISA: VMware Patches Critical Server Flaw, Warns of Ransomware Threat

Source:- May 27, 2021 – The Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released an alert for a recent software update from VMware. A critical flaw in vCenter Server platforms could allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system. “In this era of ransomware it is safest to assume that an attacker is already inside the network somewhere, on a desktop and perhaps even in control of a user account, which is why we strongly

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Global Cyber Security Market (2020 to 2025) – Featuring AWS, Check Point Software Technologies & NTT Security Among Others

Source:- Cyber Security Market size is forecast to reach $174.09 billion in 2025, estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8% during 2020-2025. The increasing use of technology such as artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning and so on are significantly driving the cybersecurity market. Furthermore, the increasing demand for cloud-based cybersecurity systems in order to reduce data loss are also enhancing the growth of the market. The rising demand for network and endpoint security, mobile security, behavioral detection are fueling

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PRESS RELEASE: Trianz Attains AWS DevOps Competency Status Sydney, Australia, June 17, 2020 – Trianz, a global digital transformation consulting and technology services firm, has attained the Amazon Web Services (AWS) DevOps Competency status. This Competency has cemented Trianz’ position as a differentiated AWS Partner Network (APN) member that provides focused consulting, continuous integration & continuous delivery, monitoring, logging and performance management, and infrastructure as code services. The firm successfully fulfills the AWS Competency Program’s requirement of deep AWS expertise and seamless solution delivery. With Trianz’ DevOps

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Security is biggest hurdle to effective digital transformation

Source- Cyber security risks are the biggest challenge to digital transformation, according to a new survey from Fortinet. The 2018 Security Implications of Digital Transformation Survey found that 85% of Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and Chief Security Officers (CSOs) believe that security is the biggest hurdle to properly implementing DX. The independent report surveyed over 300 CISOs and CSOs at 2,500+ employee organisations around the world, and found that 67% have already embarked on digital transformation, while 95%

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Back to the Future: Stick to the Fundamentals for DevOps Security

Source – In early August, I will be leading a couple of sessions at the Community College Cyber Summit about cybersecurity fundamentals. I’ve also been spending time working with my amazing colleagues here at Tripwire on a really cool new offering for DevOps pipelines – Tripwire for DevOps. Spending so much time going back and forth from “back to basics” and “the future of development” had me thinking that securing DevOps is really Back to the Future. There have been a number of great posts about

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Rules automation puts the “Sec” in DevSecOps

Source – Imagine if safety were an afterthought in automobiles: Manufacturers would create a pristine new car and then hand it off to the safety team…which would bolt airbags onto the dashboard, seatbelts onto the side panels, and bumpers onto both ends. And if they were under a lot of pressure to get the car to dealers as quickly as possible, they might just leave off some of this stuff, ship the car to the dealer, and tell the safety

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How Cloud Security Can Drive Innovation and Transform Your Business

Source – I joined a number of security professionals at the IBM Security Summit in London last month during the “Innovating With Cloud Security” breakout session, which was hosted by Martin Borrett, chief technology officer (CTO) of IBM Security Europe. The audience took part in discussions about typical cloud transformation journeys, security for and from the cloud, development operations (DevOps) disruption of enterprise security and regulatory expectations. Audience polls discovered that all of the attendees use cloud services in their

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8 Steps for a Successful DevOps Transition

Source – Organizations stand to gain a lot from transitioning to a DevOps software development model. Switching to DevOps leads to quicker problem solving, increased employee engagement, and more time for innovation. That’s assuming a transition is successful, however. Enterprises can run into various problems along the way, including inadequately measured risk, which could spell trouble down the road. Fortunately, none of these problems are inevitable if you approach the DevOps transition methodically. Follow these eight steps to make the most of

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Five Essential Steps for Moving to DevOps

Source – Last week, I introduced the DevOps model for software development and discussed the advantages this type of approach has over more traditional methods. Its benefits, which include collaboration between operations and development teams as well as a better overall project creation for customers, explain why so many organizations are transitioning to DevOps. But they don’t illuminate how enterprises are making that move. Hence the purpose of this piece. Before firms leap towards change, they must strategize how to implement the transition and then measure

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Firms need to move from DevOps to DevSecOps, says expert

Source – DevOps delivers proven benefits in terms of business agility, but it can also create new security risks and revive old ones, according to a DevOps specialist. Risk is the result of organisations failing to train or develop staff adequately to implement best practice in security, said Elizabeth Lawler, vice-president of DevOps security at CyberArk. “This failure leaves organisations vulnerable to both internal and external threats,” she told Computer Weekly. At a time when managing their security portfolio effectively

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Automated risks – secrets of DevOps security exposed

Source – The enterprise cyber- and data security landscape is constantly shifting, with new threats bubbling to the surface. One emerging security vulnerability is the booming DevOps environment. Digital transformation within the organization and the ‘consumerization’ of IT are encouraging many enterprises to bring traditional IT and new product development together under the same management umbrella. DevOps specialists are at the core of this new function. The theory is that they allow the central IT team to support business strategy

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DevSecOps is important and here is why

Source – In the digital age, securing your development projects against malicious hackers can be quite the challenge. And when you take security and try to scale security to an enterprise, the challenge seems insurmountable. Evident by the frequent hacking incidents we see come through the news. Enter DevSecOps. DevSecOps is a methodology that interweaves the aspects of DevOps and standard security practices. It attempts to prevent vulnerabilities that can occur at every step of the development process, and so,

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Hybrid Cloud – is it really the future of enterprise IT?

Source – Cloud computing continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate and plays an important role in most modern organisation’s technology strategy in one way or another. As the momentum of cloud continues, there is one question that still remains unanswered – is hybrid cloud really the future of enterprise IT? Hybrid cloud is not a new term and has been existent since the early inception of cloud computing as we know it today, but its use is often oversimplified

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Cloud Security Alliance aims to improve cyber security with introduction of new metrics

Source – As any medical professional will explain, prevention is always better than cure. So why are so many organisations reactive instead of proactive when it comes to cybersecurity threats? A new report from the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) aims to introduce new metrics for enterprises to improve their security game. The report, titled ‘Improving Metrics in Cyber Resiliency’, introduces Elapsed Time to Identify Failure (ETIF) and Elapsed Time to Identify Threat (ETIT), as well as processes to measure and

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How Outsourcing Can Mitigate Cyber risks in DevOps

Source – DevOps agility requires organizational adjustments and additional tooling to ensure cybersecurity. At the same time, the challenges of the cybersecurity labor market drive the need to increase tooling’s impact and to consider outsourcing. In turn, these require carefully focusing on cybersecurity governance, including the assignment of accountability and responsibility. In DevOps, the business is in the driver’s seat. DevOps characteristics (such as iterative prioritizing and deployment) plus the combined responsibility for development and operations present cybersecurity risks. They

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How to approach cloud computing and cyber security in 2017

Source – The adoption of cloud computing has been on the up since as far back as 2008, when a survey conducted by the Pew Research Institute found that cloud services were used by nearly 69% of Americans. Since then, the industry has experienced hyper-growth and exceeded the already vast predictions of how big it would become. IDC predicts that the cloud computing market in 2017 will be worth $107 billion and, according to Gartner, by 2020 a corporate ‘no-cloud’

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DevOps teams have poor security practices

Source – Many organisations don’t enforce proper security measures in their DevOps environments, putting both the company and the product at risk. This is according to a new report by Venafi, looking into security practices among DevOps. Using the same passwords for multiple machines, or not even bothering to secure communications between machines are some of the most common issues, usually among organisations in the middle of adopting DevOps practices. However, even organisations that say their DevOps practices are ‘mature’,

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Five security trends to watch in virtualization in 2017

Source:- Virtual components and environments present a particular challenge when we talk about corporate cyber security. Here are the five trends I believe will define the field of virtualization in 2017: 1. Virtualization security is focusing on integration Considering security solutions for VDI and virtualized servers, I predict that enterprises will pay more attention to the smooth integration between various systems instead of the thorough examination of product features under a microscope. Security solutions that can be integrated into

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