Cloud computing security: These two Microsoft tools can help you battle shadow IT Finding what cloud services employees are using is half the battle–integrating Microsoft Cloud App Security and Defender Advanced Threat Protection lets you track, block, or audit cloud app usage. Shadow IT used to mean someone writing Excel macros or setting up an unofficial file server for their team. Now, putting AWS and Salesforce subscriptions on the company credit card or using Dropbox to share documents with suppliers and partners is just the tip of the iceberg. The average enterprise

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Ray Tsang on Tools and Best Practices for Kubernetes Adoption Ray Tsang, developer advocate at Google, spoke last week at SpringOne Platform 2019 Conference about the tools and best practices developers can use in Kubernetes adoption in their organizations. Containerization and adopting container platforms like Kubernetes has been a challenge for application developers. Building container images involves Dockerfiles, which are cumbersome and error-prone when creating and maintaining them in the long run. Also, IDE tools’ support for developing and maintaining container based applications has been poor. This typically slows down the entire software development cycle. The Spring Cloud Kubernetes project provides

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DevOps, Software Development, Continuous integration, DevOps tools, continuous delivery

Source – By Yoosuf Mohamed, Senior Vice President & Global Delivery Head – Cognizant Security and Engineering Practice, Cognizant These field-testing steps can help organizations make the required changes to speed software to market that meets continuously changing market needs. In today’s fast-paced digital economy, it has become clear that the traditional waterfall-style development processes are too expensive and slow to keep pace with the speed of change. Delivering software features and functionalities quickly enough to meet the continually changing

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