DevOps Quality Trends Around the World

Source:-cio.comStudy captures detailed rankings, heat maps, quadrant mappings, and analysis of DevOps quality metrics by global regions. With “continuous everything,” knowing whether each new release will ultimately enhance or undermine the overall user experience is essential. Yet, most of today’s go/no-go decision still hinge upon quality metrics designed for a different era. Every other aspect of application delivery has been scrutinized and optimized for DevOps. Why not re-examine quality metrics as well? Are “classic” metrics like number of automated tests,

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Tool Options for API Testing

Source – Many software testers get by with a small toolset — a few good browsers and the application’s built-in developer tools, something to run SQL queries through, a tool to connect as a user to the test server, and perhaps an HTTP inspector if they want to get fancy. Testing an API requires expanding on that. Picking a toolset is a bit like shopping for toothpaste. First, you walk through the aisle, noticing (and being overwhelmed by) all of

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