What is Terraform?


What is Terraform?

Why do we need it?

How Terraform Works?

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform

Training Notes

What is Terraform?
	a tool
		Save cost
		Save time
		Imp Quality of Work
			Infra creation - update - deletion

	Code for INFRA

	What's there in INFRA


		community  --- cmd -----> Free - OS -
		Enterprise --- GUI --> Paid ---> Hosted
		Cloud	  --- GUI -- Paid ---> Cloud

Why Terraform? - 15
AWS	---> CLoudFormation - YAML
AZURE 	---> ARM ---> Yaml
GC 	---> Google Cloud Deployment Manager - Yaml
K8	---> Helm ---> Yaml
		SHELL Script

---- 15 Coding Standard
---- 15 Code Spec
---- 15 Way of debugging
---- 15 Way of wr code
		ONE CODE is not working on Another platform
Do we have 
	ONE Coding Standard
	ONE Code Spec
	For all Platforms
How it works???

apply		show		destroy		

Step 1- How to install Terraform?
Terraform Tutorials: Installation & Configurations
Step 2 - How to install Providers? ========================================== using code How to store tf code? ================================= filename.tf One Directory === ONE Project === Multiple .tf file dir ==================================================== file1.tf file2.tf file.tf ==================================================== ONE.tf terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "5.23.0" } } } provider "aws" { # Configuration options } ================================================================ How to download providers? $ terraform validate $ terraform init $ terraform providers Step 3 - How to write a code?
Terraform Tutorials: Basic Workflow Getting Started Guide
API - resource filename.tf ====================================== resource { arguemet#1 arguemet#2 arguemet#3 arguemet#4 } resource { arguemet#1 arguemet#2 arguemet#3 arguemet#4 } resource { arguemet#1 arguemet#2 arguemet#3 arguemet#4 } resource "aws_instance" "web" { ami = "ami-0287a05f0ef0e9d9a" instance_type = "t3.micro" tags = { Name = "HelloWorld" } } resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" { bucket = "my-tf-test-bucketxxxxxxx" tags = { Name = "My bucket" Environment = "Dev" } } terarform validate terraform validate cls terraform validate terraform init cls terraform providers terraform validate terraform plan terraform apply terraform show doskey /h terraform plan terraform apply --auto-approve terraform destroy doskey /h =============================== Terraform Variables ==========================
Terraform Tutorials: Variables Complete Reference
Terraform Module ===================== ======================================================== 1 YOU LEARN AWS -> Write a code --> test a code -> use it ====> 6 months 2 GLOBAL Community VPC --- Good Code - tested code - RDS --- Good Code - tested code S3 --- Good Code - tested code Ec2 --- Good Code - tested code LB --- Good Code - tested code ========================================== ---> 6 Days ====================================================== What is Module ========================================== Dir ROOT MODULE .tf module vpc module s3 .tfvars vpc .tf .tfvars s3 .tf .tfvars rds .tf .tfvars module "ec2instance" { source = "./ec2" } module "s3module" { source = "./s3" } module "vpc" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws" name = "my-vpc" cidr = "" azs = ["ap-south-1a", "ap-south-1b", "ap-south-1c"] private_subnets = ["", "", ""] public_subnets = ["", "", ""] enable_nat_gateway = false enable_vpn_gateway = false tags = { Terraform = "true" Environment = "dev" } }
module "ec2instance" {
  source = "./ec2"

module "s3module" {
  source = "./s3"

module "vpc" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"

  name = "my-vpc"
  cidr = ""

  azs             = ["ap-south-1a", "ap-south-1b", "ap-south-1c"]
  private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
  public_subnets  = ["", "", ""]

  enable_nat_gateway = false
  enable_vpn_gateway = false

  tags = {
    Terraform = "true"
    Environment = "dev"

Terraform Workflow

Terraform variables

Terraform Module directory Structure


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Zbigniew Zysiak
Zbigniew Zysiak
6 months ago

Terraform is a tool used as infrastructure as code implementation. It give option to build, change, destroy resources efficient and safety way.

It’s solution easy to manage with posibitliy to build and manage infrastructure on many different environments from one place using one coding language.

Terraform contact using providers with chosed cloud or other vendors where interpreted commands from loaded files are transformed to executable code in destined environment.

Providers – connectors from terraform executable to destined environment
Workflow – write/plan/apply – types of action possible to perform
Variable – variables used for hold data 
Modules – addons expand functionality

Bert Smets
Bert Smets
6 months ago

What is Terraform?A tool to manage (create/update/delete) infrastructure as a code which is able to interact with a large number of providers

Why do we need it?save time and cost, improve quality of work, limit amount of coding languages to learn

How Terraform Works?It uses files in which the components are described. Terraform will use these files while communicating with the API’s of the different providers

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short

  • Modules
  • Resources
  • Providers
  • Variables

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform

  • terraform validate
  • terraform init
  • terraform providers
  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply
  • terraform show
  • terraform destroy
Mariano Gazzola
Mariano Gazzola
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
tool for generating, maintaining and decommissioning infrastructure by using declarative languaje, speacilly for working with the main cloud providers
Why do we need it?
for CD/CI, rapid deployments and scalling of the infrastructure in the cloud
How Terraform Works?
you set providers of cloud infrastructure, you use existing modules for connecting and commanding the providers, and create o maintain infrastructure by declarative files that you run in the terraform runtime, then this engine communicates with the providers and generates the resources
What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
providers, modules, resources, state file, runtime
Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
init, validate, show, plan, apply, destroy, providers

6 months ago

what is terraform

Terraform is a tool that helps creating changing destroying infrastructure, like servers networks etc by using code. It simplifies and speeds up the process of creating and changing infrastructure resources

why do we need it

terraform makes it possible define our infrastructure as code, making it more efficient , uniform and easier to maintain.

how terraform works

Terraform works by using HCL infrastructure code. It then connects with providers through cloud APIs. Terraform translates the HCL code into API calls through these providers, enabling infrastructure provisioning

what is 5 most important terminology used in terraform and explain in short

Provider A provider is a plugin in Terraform that enables communication with a specific cloud

resource A resource in Terraform represents an infrastructure component,

State  The state file in Terraform keeps track of the current state of the infrastructure

plan plan is a step where it analyzes the configuration to determine what changes will be made

variable Parameters in your configuration that can be changed or customized

TOP 7 commands used in terraform








swati singh
swati singh
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
-terraform is an open source tool which can work with several different providers without learning their own management tools/languages. it saves cost , time and improves quality of work.

Why do we need it?
– It helps in managing resources across different provider using single code. No need to write codes for different providers in different languages. Management of infra becomes easy.

How Terraform Works?
-It works with plugins given by the providers to work with their APIs, which works as conversion tool between the terraform code and and provider APIs.

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
– Providers : They are the platforms where infra is residing.
– Resource : its is a part of infrastructure, like network, virtual machine, databse etc
– Module : they are like containers of resources, which can be called via root module
– statefile : it contains info in JSON format which is received from Provider API, which contains the state of resources.
– Variables : it can be defined in several ways, and useful in managing huge infra.

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform

-Terraform init
-Terraform validate
-Terraform plan
-Terraform apply
-Terraform destroy
-Terraform show
-Terraform providers

Silvia Acosta Oleta
Silvia Acosta Oleta
6 months ago

What is Terraform? is a tool, use open code, is multiple languages, use providers cloud with AZURE, AWS, and the Release is easy for communities and cloud Why do we need it? is a tool easy to use and all universal languages that reduce cost. time and toil How Terraform Works? through API where I can encode for exempt PUT, POST, GET AND DELETE What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short terform, providers, CUD moduls, variables, APPLY DESTROY AND STATEFILE (Json) Top 7 Commands used in Terraform:L terraform plan, version, terraform validate, terrafont init, terraform providers, terraform destroyerTraining Notes

Milan Schild
Milan Schild
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
infrastructure as code automatic system

Why do we need it?
it used for automation and it reduces the work to minimal level, person is more focused on the architecture than low level work

How Terraform Works?
we configure the architecture in files and TF will manage all the relations

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
resource-a component we want to manage
provider-manages communication

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
init, plan, apply, destroy,validate,show,state

_ _
_ _
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
Terraform is a tool that enables to manage environment in multiple providers using one uniform language
Why do we need it?
It removes the requirement of knowing APIs of multiple providers that are used
How Terraform Works?
It translates it’s own language writtent in definition files to API calls 
and thanks to them creates/modifies and dstroys enviroments.
What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
providers – executables that enables terraform to communicate with different enviroment providers
satefile – json file that is returned by the provider with info about state of the environment

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
 init     Prepare your working directory for other commands
 validate   Check whether the configuration is valid
 plan     Show changes required by the current configuration
 apply     Create or update infrastructure
 destroy    Destroy previously-created infrastructure
 providers   Show the providers required for this configuration
 refresh    Update the state to match remote systems

Kiran Kumar Vuyyuru
Kiran Kumar Vuyyuru
6 months ago
  1. Terraform is a tool which is used to build and deploy / destroy code for Infra.
  2. One Coding standard and one specification.
  3. API Calls, Apply, Show and Destroy.
  4. API: Any interface designed to allow programmatic manipulation of some kind of software system, Attribute: The value of an attribute can be referenced in expressions using a dot-separated notation, Argument: a syntax construct that assigns a value to a name. Module: Collection of Terraform configuration, Variable: is a defined value
  5. terraform init,terraform apply,terraform destroy,terraform plan, terraform refresh , terraform providers, terraform workspace
Dirk Willemans
Dirk Willemans
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
Is a tool to create/destroy infrastructure via code

Why do we need it?Via one tool (terraform) you can connect to mulitiple providers (aws,awx,alibaba, vspehere,k8s) and create the needed infrastructure

How Terraform Works?From 1 file terraform creates a plan and ask your approval create the infra you configured in the tf file. Terraform keeps the status in a state file. At any time , you can make change to your infra and/or can destroy and recreate. As said the state of your infra is kept in a state file.

What is 5 most important terminology used in terraform and explain in shortplan : stage in TF lifecycle, determines what need to be installed/created/changed or destroyed
apply: stage in TF lifecycle, applies the changes you planned
provider: any provider to provides code to create infra
module : a set of config files
resources can be anything like virtual networks/dns record, compute instances
variables : output and input variables, parameters to customise your deployment
state: single point of truth of your infra

Top 7 Commands used in Terraformterraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform change
terraform destroy

Ville Kääriä
Ville Kääriä
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
Terraform is infrastructure as a code tool. With different prodivers you can code with HCL and state how you want your infrastructure/resources to be and terraform with prodider will translate that to actual changes if needed.

Why do we need it?
With terraform we can tell wanted state of infrastructure and terraform code will then also be usable for documentation how infrastructure is configured.

How Terraform Works?
Terraform is binary program that you run in a folder that contains .tf files. Terraform will combine all .tf files into one and with prodider will translate those .tf files for example AWS or Azure api to do wanted changes.

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
provider – Tells terraform which provider needs to be downloaded and which provider funtions are available to be used like, azurerm
statefile – JSON file that containes current state of the resources modified with terraform
resource – Tell terraform to create or configure specified resource with wanted settings
data – Terraform will ask from prodider this resource but will not create it even if it does not exist
module – Basically every folder is a module but to use other folders you need to tell module where is the source folder source = “./modules/testmodule”. With modules you can create reusable code that will contain all needed resources and configurations for them.

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform show
terraform destroy

Danny Rubiano
Danny Rubiano
6 months ago

What is Terraform?IaC (Infra as a Code) Tool

Why do we need it?To acelarate CI/CD

How Terraform Works?Based in config yml/json file

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in shortStructure of tf filetags

Top 7 Commands used in Terraformterraform providers
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform show
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform detroy

jorge Sadao
jorge Sadao
6 months ago

Terraform is a tool for infrastruture provisioning
Because it’s for all plataforms , save cost , repetitive work , rework , time.
automate the continuous changes to your infrastructure
Terminology : init , plan , apply , show , destroy
providers, modules,variable,resource, string , number,

Jacek Szałęga
Jacek Szałęga
6 months ago

1 What is Terraform? 

Terraform is a HashiCorp open-source tool used to define, provision, and manage infrastructure as code.
It uses a HCL language to describe the desired state of your infrastructure. Depending on provider abilities it can operate on components like virtual machines, storage, and networking.

2 Why we need it?
The terraform supports multiple cloud providers unifying infrastructure management to one tool. It greatly simplifies management.

3 How Terraform Works?

Terraform need few components to work.
 – terraform itself
 – provider
 – code : describing desired infrastructure state

HCL code is translated to proper API calls which are executed on target environment. The response is json statefile, which is used in the future by terraform.

4 What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
 – terraform – main executable
 – provider – component needed to communicate to target infrastructure
 – HCL – language used by terraform
 – commands – what should the terraform do : apply/destroy
 – statefile – file which contains response from target infrastructure

5 Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
init plan apply show destroy verify providers

Kostiantyn Konstantinov
Kostiantyn Konstantinov
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
A tool that can simplify/automate work with many INFRA services (e.g. AWS, GC, Azure, etc.)
Why do we need it?
Using Terraform tool and existing terraform modules, we can significantly save time for project implementation.
How does Terraform work?
Terraform uses modules to perform tasks/actions through providers to INFRA service we want to us.
What are the 5 most important terms used in terraform and briefly explain
A provider is a kind of adapter to access/connect to the necessary INFRA, a resource is an action (desire), a module is a set of necessary scripts and variables to perform a task, a project is a single directory in the terraform folder, a variable is a value that can be changed depending on our needs.
Top 7 Commands Used in Terraform
Terraform init, validate, plan, destroy, apply, show, providers 

Last edited 6 months ago by Kostiantyn Konstantinov
Arturo Alvarado Esparza
Arturo Alvarado Esparza
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
Terraform is an infraestructure as code tool, automates and manage infraestructure necessary to deploy platforms and services in diferrents cloud providers. Allows you to create, change and delete infraestucture resources

Why do we need it?
Because is easier and faster create, change and delete infraestructure resources and allow you saving cost and time,it is also compatible with different providers and codes
How Terraform Works?
install terraform, install providers, generate and store code, apply code, show 

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
providers- cloud providers terraform works with
resource – is aws_vpc aws_instance, etc. A resource can be created, retrieved, updated, and deleted.
module- a self-contained collection of terraform configurations
variables – symbolic name associated with a value

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform plan
terraform validate
terraform destroy
terraform fmt
terraform init-upgrade

6 months ago

1.A. Terraform is a tool that is used for executing codes to automate Infra creation, update and deletion

2.A. Through Terraform we can manage multiple platforms through the providers available from each service line.

3.A. Terraform is an executable easy to deploy which further uses providers to invoke the api and collect the json response in statfile

4.A. Terraform Executable – executable that is required for operating the core terraform tool
Providers – Are the plugins provided by the vendors to invoke and communicate with the APIs
API – open source functionality available to perform the tasks on the system
STATFILE- responses from different API are collected into this file and it is in json format

5.A. Validate, plan, apply, show, destroy, init, provider

6 months ago

#What is Terraform?
It’s a open source tool, which provide a way to do code for infra of multiple cloud container platforms.

#Why do we need it?
To have one code standard and one code spec, and make it easier to learn and manage infrastructure with code.

#How Terraform Works?
It translates the codes to the actual api calls to the clould provider, so we can create, update, delete the infrastructure resouce as we want. 

#What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
1. Resource: one part of infrastructure, such as vm instance, database, networks.
2. Provider: responsible for translating code into API calls, such as aws, azurerm, google.
3. STATEFILE: after apply the code, terraform writes the actual state of the infrastructure in a state file.
4. Variables: define the parameter used in codes.
5. Module: like a combination of codes, which can be reused and share in any tf file. 

#Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform init
terraform providers
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy
terraform show

Francisco Jose Montoya
Francisco Jose Montoya
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
Terraform is a tool that help us to write code to create, update and delete infraestructure resources in different providers using a common and easy lenguage that is “translate” to the propietary lenguage.
Using terraform we can save costs, costs, etc.

Why do we need it?
We need to use because if we are going to work with different services providers it will be very time consuming to learn how to do the same task in their own API lenguages, and even if they used a common sixtaxis it will not work between them.
and it helps us to automate all our task needed to manage our environments.

How Terraform Works?
It works by using a friendly ease lenguage called HCL that is translate it to the different API providers and interact with them and using their different advantages with just one code.

What is 5 most important terminology used in terraform and explain in short.

Providers. They are the different cloud providers that we can connect.
Variables. it will help us to modify some aspects of our code without the need to modify our main code
Modules. They are code already created by a terraform comunity to help us to do our work in a very fast way without the need to be do it by ourselfs.
Workflows. It tells you the proper way work with Terraform and its different providers in order to automate our work
API. It’s the interface created and publish by the different cloud providers to interact with them, that allow us to manipule and work with them.

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform validate
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform show
terraform providers
terraform destroy

Daniel F Hernandez
Daniel F Hernandez
6 months ago

What is Terraform?
Terraform is an Infrastructure As a Code (IAC) tool. Useful to automate several infrastructure tasks. Some task are provisioning cloud resources.

Why do we need it?
To simplify infrastructure tasks, reducing implementing time, scale tasks in several cloud providers and no code dependencies.

How Terraform Works?
Terraform works through their APIs which interact with any platform or service.

What is 5 most important terminology used in terraform and explain in short
Providers: Logical abstraction of API
Resource: describe infrastructure objects in Terraform configurations
Variables: Allow write configuration flexible and easier to re-use.
Modules: Are containers for multiple resources that are used together in a configuration

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy
terraform validate
terraform import
terraform version

6 months ago

What is Terraform?
# Provisioning infrastructure services on lot of providers, for exaple cloud environment.
It’s using generalized language by which you can connect to each technologies’ APIs with the same code.

Why do we need it?
# Automating provisioning or changing infrastructure services on various platforms with one tool.
We need it because everyone wants things to be done _now_ .

How Terraform Works?
# It is using configuration files ( using the developers’ – HashiCorp – own language, Hashicorp Configuration Language ) created by the user which is feeded to a terraform client application. 
This is connecting to the terraform modules made by the platform provider, for example Amazon’s aws which then reaches your cloud instanse and makes the modifications you defined in the config file.
The config file is idempotent, so you define what you need. Then it is checked against your actual environment, and if the desire and actual state differs, then modifications would be done.

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short
# provider – the module used by the terraform client
# API – ApplicationProgrammingInterface, to be able to communicate with the platform through generalized language of terraform
# HCL – HashicorpConfigurationLanguage – simple declarative language to define the needs to be met on the target environment
# idempotency – you dont define what needs to be done, but what state you want to have on the target environment
# ?

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform <command>
# init – to get the providers set up for your project
# validate – to verify syntax of the config 
# plan – to dry run the code without modification
# apply – to run the code
# destroy – to remove definitions, for example vms
# show – to see the current state of the environment parts that would be affected by your project
# providers – to see the installed providers for your project

Ankur Malik
Ankur Malik
6 months ago

Q1. What is Terraform?

Terraform is an open source “Infrastructure as Code” tool, created by HashiCorp. A declarative coding tool, that allows you to build, change, and version infrastructure on cloud plateforms.

Q2. Why do we need it?
Terraform lets you define and manage your entire infrastructure via configuration files and version control. It accomplishes this by using the two main components of Terraform architecture: Core and Providers.

Q3.How Terraform Works?
Terraform generates a plan and prompts you for your approval before modifying your infrastructure. It also keeps track of your real infrastructure in a state file, which acts as a source of truth for your environment.

Q4.What is 5 most important terminology used in terraform and explain in short

Variables: Also used as input-variables, it is a key-value pair used by Terraform modules to allow customization.
Provider: It is a plugin to interact with APIs of service and access its related resources.
Module: It is a folder with Terraform templates where all the configurations are defined
State: It consists of cached information about the infrastructure managed by Terraform and its related configurations.
Resources: It refers to a block of one or more infrastructure objects (compute instances, virtual networks, etc.), which are used in configuring and managing the infrastructure.
Data Source: It is implemented by providers to return information on external objects to terraform.
Output Values: These are return values of a terraform module that can be used by other configurations.
Plan: It is one of the stages where it determines what needs to be created, updated, or destroyed to move from the real/current state of the infrastructure to the desired state.
Apply: It is one of the stages where it applies the changes in the real/current state of the infrastructure in order to move to the desired state.

Q5.Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform init 
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy
terraform validate
terraform state
terraform import

Victor Palomo
Victor Palomo
6 months ago

What is Terraform?

Automation tool to operate many resources in the cloud using a HCL Language to perform all tasks.

Why do we need it?

To save time to perform repetitive actions.

How Terraform Works?

After install we need to add the providers, validate it, aunthenticate it, write the actions per Directories, perform the validation, push the action.

What is 5 most imporant terminology used in terraform and explain in short


Top 7 Commands used in Terraform

terraform apply
terraform destroy

Vijay Pathania
Vijay Pathania
6 months ago

What is Terraform?

It is a provisioning tool that can create,modify and delete infrastructure.

Why do we need it?
We need it because it is it supporting multiple vendors like AWS,Google,Azure.
and uses very simple language called hcl which can used to deploy infrastructure.

How Terraform Works?
It can be downloaded as a binary and kept in a folder and can be run from that location directly.
we have to create a file with .tf extension and the what is the desired infra we have to type code the hcl format.
once it is validated it can be applied and state is store in the json file.
It works in apply,show and destroy nodes.

What is 5 most important terminology used in terraform and explain in short.
Plan: It is one of the stages where terraform compares infra real state and determines what is necessary to bring it to desired state.
Apply: It is one of the stages in which real changes are applied to the infra to make them match their desired state.
Output Values: These are return values of a terraform module that can be used by other configurations.
Module: It is a folder with Terraform templates where all the configurations are defined
State: It consists of cached information about the infrastructure managed by Terraform and its related configurations.

Top 7 Commands used in Terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform show
terraform providers
terraform destroy

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