Jenkins basics: The DevOps and build platform for dev teams

Source – Jenkins is a tool that manages how a team compiles software code and pushes it out to users. Here are the introductory steps to Jenkins basics and how to install it. Jenkins gathers code from developers on a team, runs unit and functional tests, and pushes the tested code and configurations out to target systems. Jenkins has been given the label DevOps, and its focus is not just infrastructure. When you install Jenkins, its role in the DevOps

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Shortcomings of DevOps automation and security bug detection

Source – Eariler this year we spoke with Jim Manco of Manicode security. It was immediately prior to Oracle OpenWorld 2017, in which Manico was delivering a JavaOne session on Java SE 9 security. There are plenty of new tools and technologies in the latest version of the JDK to help minimize the number of Java security bugs that developers might encounter. Of course, it’s not good enough just having technologies like JEP-273 (DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations), JEP-290 (Filtering of Incoming Serialization Data), and

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