How The Cloud Transformed Our Systems—And My Career

Source:-forbes.comWith over 10 years experience using the cloud to deliver fundamental change and business value, I’m surprised that so many organizations are still just using the cloud as a place to park their virtual machines (VMs), rather than as a way to improve their applications and drive digital transformation. I was first exposed to the transformational potential of the cloud in 2009, as CIO of Comic Relief, a leading not-for-profit that found itself with an interesting conundrum; the telethons that

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A Look at the New Azure Releases & Improvements Revealed at Build 2019

Source: From hyperscale database engines and improvements in ML.NET 1.0, to the preview of Azure Blockchain Service and new flavors of Azure SQL Database, here’s a glimpse at what was announced at the Microsoft developer conference. Not long ago Microsoft held its annual developer conference and while the “new release every three years” of traditional software development is gone and replaced by a steady stream of minor improvements, there were nevertheless some very interesting revelations. In this article I’ll

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GitHub platform improvements are helping orgs keep their dependencies in check

Source:- Following its acquisition by Microsoft for $7.5 billion in stock last year, GitHub was keen to stress it would be business as usual, maintaining its independence and “developer-first” ethos. And the introduction of a series of security improvements for the repository hosting service aims to do just that, by giving businesses and users better visibility of their collaboration and dependencies. Take, for example, the beta launch of organization insights, a new function that allows GitHub Enterprise users to

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