Myth or Matter: Is There a DevOps Talent Shortage?

Source- Change often requires adding new skills to the team, but the search for the perfect, ideal engineer can become an exercise in frustration. Consultants and hiring experts say this is a time of significant change ushered in by cloud providers and edge computing. They see a bit of a frenzied response at some organizations to find DevOps talent, and such actions may be overzealous. “Things are not in such bad shape,” says Brendan Caulfield, chief revenue officer with ServerCentral Turing

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6 Steps to Hiring and Retaining Great DevOps Talent

Source – As with two other big trends in digital delivery over the past decade or so—‘Cloud’ and ‘Agile’—the awareness and expectation of DevOps can be oversold and too easily misunderstood by key stakeholders. In a world where people increasingly ask for a simple summary, striking a balance between selling the benefits and highlighting the challenges and required investment, needs to be given due attention. DevOps cannot be reduced to a one-line description. This is as true in the

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