Green Software Foundation aims to help the ICT sector reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Source:- As Kermit the Frog famously sang, “it’s not easy being green,” yet it’s critical for our planet’s survival that we figure it out. Ironically, the very tech we’re using to help in that effort could be making things worse. A 2019 survey conducted by Informa revealed that while datacentres use 3 percent of the world’s electricity, energy efficiency was only number four on IT leaders’ priority lists when creating a new datacentre. Yet those datacentres run the artificial intelligence

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Green Cloud Computing : Techniques every QA should know

Source:- Cloud computing offers immense potential for resilience, scalability and an array of services useful to every quality assurance practitioner. Most cloud computing techniques offer cloud-based platforms/services that are helpful in ensuring a requisite set of quality attributes, while quality enabler tools such as reporting/monitoring suites, testing tools, verification frameworks may also need to be brought in to the cloud in order to assess target quality aspects. Though ICT technologies like cloud computing are being used by QA testers

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