How to fork a project on Gitlab?

Hello, my dear friends, welcome to the most abundant part of programming that makes your life very great with enormous pleasure because this is the place where everyone should want to know that what is worth it? and how it plays an important role in real life. So, today we will learn about how can you fork a project and manage them. For this, I will go very basic step by step. I wish that you will read it till

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What is a fork in GitHub?

Hello folks, welcome to the exotic world of programming. Let’s take a move to the scene of the fork and its contribution in that how can we do fork and contribution in GitHub. If you would understand that each and every aspect of account creation, making a repository, and creating the branch in GitHub then this is the place where you can great ideology on the fork. Adding more features Suppose you have opened your profile and there is a

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Android make new version for build.gradle

Source – I’ve forked Android project from GitHub, clone using SourceTree make my changes and want to make a new version for using that in my other app by gradle version increasing Now I want to have something like this in my buil.gradle file older is compile ‘com.github.lib:0.3.1’ and the new one compile ‘com.github.lib:0.3.2’ How can I do this? o to your build.gradle (Module:app) file : And update the dependencies :

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