Testing ansible in docker container – how to set networks?

Source – docker.com I write this post to Docker for Mac not General, since I think this problem is quite related with OSX network settings. If not, tell me so I can move this to other section. This post is quite relevant with Ansible I am trying to build test environments for ansible with following conditions. Using centos docker container for ansible Using centos docker containers for targets All of 3 containers run successfully, but when I try to deploy to

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How to Deploy Java Apps With Docker

Source – dzone.com For those new to Docker, let me say “Welcome to the party!” It’s an easy way to deploy, run, and manage applications using VM-like containers that are independent of elements like hardware and language, which makes these containers highly portable. And it’s all the rage. So how do you deploy Java apps using Docker? You’re in the right place. I’ll walk through the process step by step – from installing Docker to installing Java inside a Docker container

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Using Docker Behind a Proxy

Last updated:Tuesday, March 28, 2017 In today’s article, I am going to explore a common pain point for anyone running Docker in a large corporate environment. Today I’ll show how to use Docker without direct internet access. By default, Docker assumes that the system running Docker and executing Docker commands has general access to the internet. Often in large corporate networks this is simply not the case. More often than not, a corporate network will route all internet traffic through

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Customizing your Docker container

Source:- mesosphere.com About customizing your Docker container By default, Mesosphere DC/OS runs everything inside Docker containers to minimize dependencies on the underlying host operating system and to offer resilience in the event of a machine failure. When using Jenkins for DC/OS, the underlying Mesos scheduler in DC/OS creates new Jenkins agents that run as Mesos tasks within a Docker container. User-configured builds are then run inside the same container. Because builds typically have steps that invoke the Docker utility, such

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Docker Containers: What Makes Them So Portable?

Source – networkcomputing.com One of the main benefits in using Docker and container technology is the portability of applications. It’s possible to spin up an application on-site or in a public cloud environment in a matter of minutes. What enables this is a storage technology that implements a layered “copy on write” approach to storing data in the file system used by Docker itself. Let’s take a look at how it works… Read More

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