Do You Have the Skills to Thrive as a DevOps Engineer?

Source:-applause The best DevOps engineers have a unique and varied skill set When your company embraces a DevOps methodology, it means change is coming, and engineers are caught in the middle. Every development strategy demands an additional set of skills specific to its environment. Let’s walk through the essential skills required of a quality DevOps engineer. What skills are required of a DevOps engineer? In DevOps, the top priority is to deliver high-value features in short periods of time through

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Bridging the Gap Between Security & DevOps An inside look into the engineering mindset of DevOps from the vantage of a career security professional. Last month, I had the eye-opening experience of attending my first pure-play DevOps conference, DevOps World, put on by CloudBees. Inconveniently one week after Black Hat, the conference could not have been more dissimilar. Suffice it to say it was a significant learning experience for a career security person. I learned about security through the eyes of DevOps engineers, many of whom spoke candidly

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How Continuous Delivery Enables High-Performing Technology Organizations CTOs and other technology leaders face a difficult challenge: How do we get board members and fellow executives to understand how well an R&D team is performing? The short answer is by demonstrating value, which lies in working software. The faster we deliver software, the more value we show. The best way to quickly deliver software is to create a high-performing technology organization (aka an engineering team) by establishing continuous delivery. Use Continuous Delivery To Meet Expectations Continuous delivery

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How DevOps enables organisations to deliver true value to customers: A guide Gone are the days when teams could work on a project for months (or even years) before releasing it to production. Now even two-week cycles are too long due to ever more demanding customer expectations and an always-growing field of competitors. Organisations today expect to deliver new features to production on a weekly, daily or even hourly basis. This accelerated timeline lets organisations adapt to market shifts and technological changes. It keeps companies on the same pace as their

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Is AIOps the future of DevOps? HP Morgan, business analyst at Tatvasoft Australia, discusses how AIOps helps DevOps to embrace the scale and speed needed for modern development For many years there’s been a constant demand placed on IT professionals and particularly in DevOps to become more proactive and flexible so that the businesses can accommodate and embrace the new challenges quickly to stay competitive. Such a paradigm shift has resulted in more processes by making them automated as a manual intervention that is in

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How DevOps Teams Can Skill Up on DataOps

Source :- Probably not. Although it might be comforting to imagine that every company has a dedicated team of data specialists on staff who oversee data operations, the reality is that the vast majority of companies employ no data scientists at all. Only around 6% of large enterprises have data scientists on staff, and virtually no small and medium businesses employ data scientists. What this means is that at most companies, effective data management is the responsibility of any and

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What venture capitalists need to know about DevOps

Source – Venture capital (VC) investment into DevOps continues to rise. Already populated by some huge worldwide brands like Google, Microsoft and Amazon and estimated to be a $50 billion market, DevOps has graduated beyond a niche software sector for unicorns, and has made it to the mainstream. The amount of interest in this space from the VC community since the middle of 2018 is just one of many signals from investors that “now is a great time to jump

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10 tough Jenkins interview questions and answers for DevOps engineers

Source – To be a full stack developer or a DevOps engineer, you need to know CI/CD. It is an absolute requirement. If you’re applying for a new technical position and want to be prepared, here are 10 tough Jenkins interview questions and answers for DevOps engineers that employers often ask. Jenkins interview questions strategies A good strategy to use to apply to this set of tough Jenkins interview questions and answers for DevOps professionals is to first read through each

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Applying machine learning to DevOps

Source – DevOps methodologies are rapidly increasing and generating vast and diverse data sets across the life cycle of entire application including development, deployment, and performance management. Only a robust analysis and monitoring layer can particularly harness this data for the ultimate DevOps goal that is end-to-end automation. The rise of machine learning and its related capabilities, such as artificial intelligence and predictive analytics, has pushed organizations to explore implementing new analysis models that mainly rely on mathematical algorithms.

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Top Steps to Take DevOps to the Next Level

Source – Devops has been the subject of numerous IT wrangles since its dispatch. A few people have viewed it as simply one more promoting craze while others trust it is the following enormous thing in IT tasks. Thus, finished the years, experts have anticipated that devops will encounter fast development. Regardless, the device has developed consistently yet hasn’t gotten energy among standard organizations. Be that as it may, the purpose for its ease back reception isn’t because of devop’s

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The 5 Common Mistakes Your Devops Team is Making

Source – DevOps has become an important and inseparable part of every business today. The rise of DevOps has meshed the development and operations teams together, largely contributing to the faster development and deployment of software. Despite the most obvious problems that DevOps solves, there are a few common mistakes that DevOps teams and their organizations continuously commit while working together to deliver the companies’ products. We have chosen to highlight the 5 most common mistakes your DevOps team is

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It’s critical to create the correct DevOps team structure

Source – DevOps is all about breaking down barriers. That’s great, up to a point. But what happens when you break down too many barriers? How do you find a balanced DevOps team structure without going too far? These are important questions for any DevOps shop to ask itself. There is such a thing as too much DevOps. Here’s how to tell you’re approaching this natural limit. DevOps versus structure DevOps doesn’t advocate for the total erasure of structure. It

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DevOps for networking: What the future looks like

Source – Can incorporating networking in the DevOps culture boost your organization’s growth? DevOps solution architect and Packt author, Steven Armstrong, certainly believes so. In his book, ‘DevOps for Networking’, Armstrong explores the fundamentals of DevOps in networking and how to improve DevOps processes and workflows by providing automation in your organization’s network. We asked him a few questions about the future of DevOps in networking and what DevOps engineers need to be learning to get ahead. What does the

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Five ways to effectively manage team DevOps workflows

Source – If you’ve adopted DevOps, you’re already using tools to optimize and streamline your DevOps workflows and software delivery processes — like code integration, testing and deployment — as much as possible. But optimization opportunities are not limited to software delivery. You should strive to streamline all dimensions of your organization — including the way you manage your DevOps team. DevOps personnel management pitfalls Compared to software, people are fickle and unpredictable. Giving them the same input doesn’t always yield the

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How to build DevOps characteristics: It takes more than money

Source – How do you keep software engineers happy and productive? The key lies in understanding how they think and what they expect from a cultural perspective. Engineers who have adopted the DevOps mindset don’t necessarily think like other employees. They’re working for more than just a paycheck. Yes, the usual perks and DevOps characteristics — a good salary, a nice working environment, incentive-based bonuses and the like — will help you to attract and motivate these professionals. But on their own, they

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7 Non-Technical Skills You Need To Succeed In A DevOps Career

Source – DevOps (“development” meets “operations”) is still an evolving field. Asked for a definition, even some in other technical roles might struggle to pin it down. The best way to think of it, though, is less as a specific collection of skills necessary for a specific role, and more as a culture or philosophy about how to develop software. The core creed of DevOps revolves around the idea that inter-departmental collaboration, communication, and constant improvement are the keys to

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IT incident response ditches root cause analysis process

Source – NEW YORK — IT incident response must change to keep up with DevOps. The root cause analysis process embraced by many enterprise sysadmins should be the first thing to go. In the world of monolithic legacy applications, root cause analysis — identifying the specific line of code, switch port or hard drive that set off a domino effect to cause an outage — is the first step during an IT incident response. But as apps evolve into microservicesdistributed over

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Build a version control process for DevOps infrastructure

Source – Inside businesses of all shapes and sizes, modern IT teams have adopted DevOps practices to roll out changes faster, while delivering more stable software on more reliable infrastructure. Anyone can do it, as long as they learn fundamental skills. IT teams must embrace infrastructure as code (IaC) to apply DevOps practices. IaC enables automation, testability, quality control and more predictability during deployments. Perhaps more importantly, it demands that infrastructure-focused team members become aware of software development practices. A version

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Dev Ringers: DevOps engineers or full-stack developers?

Source – For some businesses, deciding between investing in DevOps engineers or full-stack developers is no small feat. This is due, in part of course, to the fact that nobody really seems to know what DevOps is. As one of the most talked-about and on-trend tech roles in recent years, it’s initially kind of staggering how hard DevOps can be to define. Perhaps there’s a reason for that. Typical advice to businesses considering their options usually goes something along the lines of “If

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DevOps engineers think Docker, Ansible and Kubernetes are the top 3 tools to learn

Source – The data is in. According to Packt’s third annual Skill Up survey, Machine Learning, Big Data, and cloud computing are the top three trends in tech for 2017. Five thousand developers and tech professionals across the world responded to Packt’s third annual Skill Up survey to share their thoughts on the latest tech tools and trends, and how they work and learn. This year’s survey went even deeper than previous years, asking respondents to share their opinions on

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