Cloud computing – key to fast-paced digital transformation in Govt sector

Source:- Cloud computing has been a sole bastion of private enterprises for the last decade or so. Not anymore. Government organisations in India and world-over have now started to venture into cloud computing in a big way, as well. Be it hosting, computing, storage, innovative e-Services or PaaS solutions, governments worldwide have started to involve and adapt themselves to cloud related technologies as part of their digital transformation. The reasons – infinite computing power, storage, security, scalability, speed and resilience.

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What’s the point: Rook, Kong, Docker Hub, Elixir, Sumo Logic, and Sonatype

Source:- The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has gained another graduate project. Accepted into the CNCF in 2018, storage project Rook is now mature enough to fall into one category with cloud native bedrocks Kubernetes and Prometheus. Rook was originally developed at Upbound and looks to supply users with Kubernetes Operators for all sorts of storage providers to facilitate automated storage management. It is today maintained by a variety of companies ranging from Red Hat to Suse. Kong portfolio gets new

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Why 2017 will belong to open source ?

Source:- A few years ago, open source was the less-glamourous and low-cost alternative in the enterprise world, and no one would have taken the trouble to predict what its future could look like. Fast-forward to 2016, many of us will be amazed by how open source has become the de facto standard for nearly everything inside an enterprise. Open source today is the primary engine for innovation and business transformation. Cost is probably the last reason for an organisation

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