Continuous Integration Tools Market Trends, Share, Industry Size, Growth and Forecast – 2025

Source:- CI (Continuous Integration) is the practice of frequently building and testing each change to the codebase. Continuous integration involves developers uploading new code or code changes to a common code repository and then testing them automatically on upload to make sure the changes don’t cause problems or interruptions. By automating tests, users immediately verify that the code is sound and that critical software functions are working as expected. By integrating code into an integration source and testing code defects

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Full-text search with Node.js and ElasticSearch on Docker

Source:-blog.logrocket Full-text search can be both scary and exciting. Some popular databases such as MySql and Postgres are an amazing solution for storing data… but when it comes to full-text search performances, there’s no competition with ElasticSearch. For those who don’t know, ElasticSearch is a search engine server built on top of Lucene with an amazing distributed-architecture support. According to, it is currently the most used search engine out there. In this post, we are going to build a simple REST application called The Quotes Database which will allow

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