DevOps mistakes which developers should avoid! DevOps is becoming recognized as a vital pillar of digital transformation. Because of this, CIOs are becoming enthusiastic regarding how DevOps and open source can completely transform the enterprise culture. All organizations want to succeed and reach their development goals across all projects. However, in reality, the entire journey is not at all easy as it seems, and it often requires collective efforts and time. In this entire journey, there are some common failures which teams are likely to

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Effective DevOps hinges on automating a continuous delivery pipeline

Source – An organization has to be fully committed to an automated testing strategy if it wants to do continuous delivery right. But DevOps adopters need to be forewarned, as it’s not a process to be undertaken by the light of heart. Continuous delivery means exactly what the name implies. It means putting together a continuous delivery pipeline that is fully automated and will take recently compiled code and move that code straight into production — just so long as

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Automated Testing: Remember Security

Source – Between continuous integration (CI) and release automation (RA), we’ve come a long way in making testing both integral and automated. This testing has allowed QA staff and developers to spend more time adding value by looking at problem areas instead of running tests by hand. Shops that have CI well-integrated into their application processes and are using test driven development (TDD) claim they have improved both time to deployment and code quality. But we’re still struggling to get

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Is Codeless Automated Testing the Future of DevOps?

Source – For years, testing has proved a steep challenge for efficient and effective software development. Even today, testing is clunky, inconsistent, and time consuming. It’s widely recognized that testing automation is at best partial, and is the number one bottleneck in the software development and information technology operations (DevOps) toolchain. Once relegated to the startup and entrepreneurial sphere, DevOps has grown into a business imperative for any organization that wants to stay ahead of the game. The DevOps movement was

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5 ways to align security with your DevOps strategy

Source:- In 2016, DevOps reached a tipping point. Half of all organizations surveyed indicated that they are actively using it as a model for releasing and maintaining custom applications, according to the Gartner Research note DevSecOps: How to Seamlessly Integrate Security Into DevOps, September, 2016. Yet, about 80 percent of those organizations surveyed expressed concerns that information security policies and teams are preventing them from achieving the level of agility that DevOps promises. Development, operations and security all want

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