Securing the CI/CD pipelines with DevSecOps


Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) can bring a seamless integration from end-to-end for the software development and deployment process. By doing this, CI/CD allows developers to dedicate more of their time developing code to improve software features instead of worrying about the deployment.

Yet, they are still faced with many security challenges. CI/CD might speed up the process but not the security. With DevSecOps – Development, Security, and Operations -, however, there is a possibility to accelerate the delivery of security within the software. DevSecOps engineers try to operate most security controls as part of the software by introducing it as a design constraint and then getting it checked by the CI/CD pipelines without damaging the integrity of controls.

Why DevSecOps?

As digital transformations increase, there is a vital need for safe and secure software, otherwise, everything, from the building to the delivery can be at risk. Security breaches are now one of the biggest threats to companies and products.

DevSecOps promotes collaboration between the development and security teams, hence, avoiding late handoffs to security professionals. By introducing security at the beginning of the process, the value and quality of the product can only be reinforced. Indeed, without DevSecOps, the software might be considered unsafe at the last minute, thus causing multiple costly iterations. With DevSecOps, security standards are implemented directly into the pipelines making the products more secure from the beginning.

Overall, DevSecOps ensures credibility and agility in the market, as well as trust with consumers.

DevSecOps in CI/CD

There are many security vulnerabilities that can exist in open-source software. Hence, implementing DevSecOps practices within CI/CD will bring continuity to securing software deliveries.

Integrating automated security checks within the pipeline will allow developers to have early warnings of vulnerabilities and monitor any security defects or else. With an integrated continuous security approach, companies can expand while upgrading their security and development process as it goes.

Moreover, unit tests and static code analysis operate close to source code as well as run checks without executing the code. Hence, investing in security unit tests and static analyzers will only be beneficial as it can speed up the lifecycle while detecting quickly any vulnerabilities.

The future of DevSecOps and CI/CD pipelines

With the many challenges our world bring today, security is crucial in order to remain on top of the market. With DevSecOps, companies are able to speed up their CI/CD pipelines all the while keeping it secure from any vulnerabilities. Collaboration and communication are then vital between development and security teams and shouldn’t be overlooked.

With the rise of DevSecOps, security has become an important part of the continuous delivery pipeline. Having continuity and security ensures the best software delivery.


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