Smallest execution unit in Kubernetes: PODS

1.What is POD? POD is the atomic units of scheudling in Kubernetes. Pods are are ephemeral in nature. 2. – What POD contains? Pod contains one or multiple docker containers. There is one main container and others are supporting containers. 3. Lifecycle of the POD? PODs has three stages in their life cycle A. pending B. Running C.  Succeeded /Failed 

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POD – Kubernetes Life Line

A POD is basically an executing unit containing one or more containers . Even if one container inside the POD fails the entire POD fails. Types Of POD- POD in kuberenetes are generally used in two ways that is:- 1.POD that run Single Container 2. POD that run multiple Container Inside the POD The POD contains containers . Different POD are assigned with different IPs and the containers inside each POD shares the POD’s IP with different ports . All

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Computer science and its programming language.

Compiled vs Interpreted Language vs Declarative lang In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs. Example of Declarative Lang:  “Hm. I notice you forgot something.” Or “I wonder if there’s something you need for school today.” In this example, declarative language reframes the prompt, inviting the individual to hear the mental cue that is driving you towards the solution. Pros and Cons of Declarative Lang: Advantages Disadvantages Short, efficient code Sometimes hard to understand

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POD overview

1.What is POD? -Atomic units of scheduling-no POD is duplicated-contains one or more containers-POD will be running as long as containers inside the pod is running. 2.Types of PODS? -Tightly coupling POD/Multi container pod.-Loosly coupled POD/Single container pod. 3.What POD contains? -POD contains single or multiple containers which share same IP address. 4.Lifecycle of the POD?

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POD: *is the smallest building block. Within a cluster, a pod represents a process that’s running *A Pod  is a group of one or more containers with shared storage and network resources *is in worker node there can be many pods and each pod has one or more containers *instantiated by kubelet *containers share same IP address *ATOMIC UNIT OF SCHEDULING *pod is running as long as all the containers inside pod is running (must) *all namespaces assigned to pod are available

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Introduction to Kubernetes

What is KUBERENETS? It is Container Orchestrator(for Largescale). Kubernetes can help you deliver and manage containers. Self-Healing/auto-Healing (Automatically replaces Nodes and adds containers if there is problem with some of the nodes). No trouble-shoot Needed. Auto Rollback. Kubernetes overcome the Following 3 problems- 1.Managing the multiple Docker hosts. 2.Load balancing multiple containers with same port in one host 3.Auto Scaling.   Kubernetes Architecuture It has Master Node & Worker Node. Master Node [Kubernetes Control Plane] -Manages the entire Cluster and worker

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Kubernetes meeting the future of Computing.

What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available. Kubernetes marks a breakthrough for devops because it allows teams to keep pace with the requirements of modern software development.  Kubernetes allows us to derive maximum utility from containers and build cloud-native applications that can run anywhere, independent of cloud-specific requirements. Kubernetes Architecture: Kubernetes follows

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– Define What is Kubernetes with Image? Kubernetes : It is a “google” product .Written in “GO ” language. It is a open source platform for managing self healing ,Automated rollbacks, Auto Scaling, load balancing . Why Kubernetes with Image? Kubernetes solves the problem of scalability, problem of managing multiple host ,problem related to load balancing multiple conatiner running with same port in one host . Kubernetes Architecuture with Image? It is a client-server architecture. It has master node and worker

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Define what is Kubernetes with image? 1.Kubernetes is an open source platform which is developed by google. 2.kubernetes is a combination of API server, controller, scheduler and etcd which is used by the developer/operator. 3.kubernetes node is a combination of kubelet and kube-proxy which is called as kubernetes node. Why Kubernetes ? 1.kubernetes is easy to use and we can create containers easily whenever we need. 2.In kubernetes control manager is used to control the servers. 3.scheduler is used to

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KUBERNETES for Beginners:

What is KUBERNETES :: Kubernetes is a platform where all the containers will be managed,where it perform auto- scaling,managing work loads,in short it is called as k8,it is written in go lang/go, it is available at, it has master node and worker node IMAGE :: Why Kubernetes:: In real time need not to go down if we need 100 container to run the specific task we need to maintain it manually with out going it to down , at

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Fun learning with Kubernetes

About kubernetes: #an open-source container orchestration platform # enables the operation of an elastic web server framework for cloud applications. Why Kubernetes: #It allows us to manage containers in an efficient way #easy container scaling across many servers in a cluster. Kubernetes Architecture: # offers a loosely coupled mechanism for service discovery across a cluster. # A Kubernetes cluster has many nodes .each of the compute nodes runs a container runtime like Docker along with an agent, kubelet, which communicates with the

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What is Kubernetes ? Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. It does the work of managing containers with the help of pods and nodes It helps the pods and nodes to interact among each other as well as to the external network using bridges and proxy It does the job of load- balancing for container. It stops the system failure by monitoring over it and providing High availability 2. Why Kubernetes ? Kubernetes is the best available tool for container

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Introduction To Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes ? Kubernetes is a open source container orchestration platform and supports datacenters outsourcing to public cloud service providers Why Kubernetes? Kubernetes provides services, support and tools are widely used. Kubernetes Architecture Kubernetes Architecture contains Master Node composed of etcd cluster, api-server, controller manager, scheduler and nodes composed of kublet and kube-proxy How Kubernetes Works ? Kubernetes keeps track of container application that are deployed into the cloud and it restarts, shutdown the containers .

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kubernet with in 5 mintus

What is Kubernetes kubernetes is a open source container orchestration,for container scalability and workload placement,desired stare Why Kubernetes for overcomes some challenges *we can start starting to view data center as a computer *containers scalability challenge Kubernetes Architecuture master: *kubernet control plane *high availability(one master goes down other will came) api server *front end to control plane cluster store *cluster store & configure *persistent storage * uses kubctl controller *controller of all controllers(node,endpoint….) scheduler *assign works to nodes nodes *do

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Easy way to know Kubernetes :

Introduction : Kubernetes actually made by google after some ages it is donated to CNCF in 2014 as a open source. It’s DNA matches with Borg & Omega. It is also called as K8. What is Kubernetes ? kubernetes is a container orchestrator. It handles multiple nodes, multiple virtual machine, multiple physical machine. It can match of your desire state. like example – If we need 100 of container and suddenly the container stop working then kubernetes will be the

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kubernetes-self notes

1.What is Kubernet? Cluster together group of hosts running linux container’s i.e container orchestrator and moreover it is a open source platform means anyone can access this tool 2.Why Kubernetes ?? Kubernetes is a portable,workload placement,infrastructure abstraction and desired state that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. 3.Kubernetes Architecuture??? Kubernetes cluster consists of a set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node. we have pod’s inside pod’s we have container’s and

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1.What is Kubernetes? -container archestrator-load balancer -infrastructure abstraction -desired state 2.Why Kubernetes? -kubernetes can manage scalability challenges of containers-we’re starting to view the data center as a computer 3.Kubernetes Architecuture. MASTER NODE -apiserver-cluster store-controller manager-scheduler WORKER NODE-kubelet-container engine-kube-proxy 4.How Kubernetes Works?

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Kubernetes : A boon for engineers

So, What exactly is Kubernetes ??? Born in google and later donated to CNCF as an open source system, Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system which is used for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. Kubernetes a necessity ? So why do we need kubernetes if we have docker and containers . Generally with many features attached with docker and containers there were some problems too that included scalability and some networking issues. Kubernetes has the solution for these

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My First Thought on – Kubernetes

Define What is Kubernetes with Image? Ans: Kubernetes is an extensible, portable, and open-source platform. It is mainly used to automate the deployment, scaling, and operations of the container-based applications across the cluster of nodes. Nowadays, many cloud services offer a Kubernetes-based infrastructure on which it can be deployed as the platform-providing service. This technique or concept works with many container tools, like docker. 2. Why Kubernetes with Image? Ans: Kubernetes is a powerful container management tool that automates the deployment and

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Kubernetes fundamentals

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system. It is used for deployment, scaling and management. Kubernetes is used because  it can control resource allocation and traffic management for cloud applications. By using Kubernetes We can increase speed of deployment, can have ability to recover quickly, can hide complexity in cluster. Kubernetes consists of Master node and Worker node. There are pods inside Worker nodes. Inside pods there are one or multiple containers. Master node consists of api server, cluster storage, contoller

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