DevOps News

DevOps brings together the best elements of your IT team

Source – Teamwork, agility and communication set apart the most successful IT teams from the rest. It should come as no surprise: developments in technology and IT are the driving force behind many of the changes in our fast-paced world. The demands on the IT team have never been greater. There is pressure to deliver new features and software to users, added to vast data growth, budget constraints and the ever-present need to do more with less. To get

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Why you’ll NEVER nail that DevOps interview

Source – Many companies these days are constantly complaining that they are struggling to recruit good talent. There are rumored talent acquisition wars and agreements between large companies like Google and Apple, and I’ve often heard these types of issues referenced in talks. Just recently I heard Battery Ventures’ Adrian Cockcroft say that, while he was at Netflix, large companies often asked him, “Where does Netflix hire such great talent?”, and his reply to the Comcasts and others was that

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Optimization for SaaS: Works for Business and DevOps

Within SaaS companies, both DevOps and business teams can benefit from using performance optimization tools. Performance matters – whether you’re managing a marketing website or a web app. In this blog post we’ll: Discuss how Optimization fits into workflows for DevOps and business teams, and Explore some hypothetical (and slightly hyperbolic) examples of how to use Optimization.   Optimization for DevOps Teams Traditionally, engineering teams at software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies have been primarily focused with optimizing databases and applications to scale.

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DevOps and Security: Divided we fall

Source – Tufin 2017 Predictions: DevOps and Security – Divided We Fall VMblog Predictions 2017 Virtualization and Cloud executives share their predictions for 2017. Read them in this 9th annual series exclusive. Contributed by Reuven Harrison, CTO, Tufin DevOps and Security: Divided we fall The DevOps movement is picking up speed as an increasing number of organizations realize the many benefits of the DevOps process. Built on the principles of faster software development, collaboration and innovation, why wouldn’t an

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Welcome to

Easy enough to grok — if everyone is on the DevOps then the collective efforts are synchronized, leading to faster execution in world of DevOps. DevOps is comprised of many different technologies; such a list would have to include a mixture of programming, ops, cloud, a little bit of CI and agile, automation and testing, and maybe more. has announced the launch of new services on its platform which are focused on News, Articles, Updates and Events related to continuous delivery,

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